Project Reports
The Cicely Northcote Trust has published a number of reports and evaluations of projects. Although some of these are now over 20 years old they may still be of interest to those undertaking research in similar fields.
The Greenwich Nursery Project
An enquiry into the therapeutic use of art and music and movement in the nursery setting. The report is about a programme aimed at improving the quality of day care and enhancing children's communication skills.
Gordana Milavic and Melissa Fenton. 1995.
The Image of Support: How Mothers of Autistic Children see the Caring Agencies
This includes investigation of the situation of the maternal carer, the understanding of the situation by health, education and social workers; the quality and quantity of contact between maternal carers and the professions in the caring agencies.
Elizabeth Hand 1994. With Keele University.
Evaluation of the Knowledge and Information Centre at St Thomas' Hospital
Patient involvement in health care is now a priority for the NHS. This study evaluates both the experience of using the Knowledge and Information Centre service and the impact obtaining information has on users and their ability to manage their health.
Amy Scammell & Dr Mehul Kotecha 2008.
A full list of publications is available below. These include: 'A community nurse health adviser - The Oval experiment' 1992; 'Convalescence - a neglected need' 1989; 'The role of the Asian Advocate within the Health Service' 1987; 'Why not give mothers their own case notes?' 1986.
All printed publications are available at a cost of £1 per copy to cover postage and packing. Please contact us to order.